„The busy girl buys beauty.
The pretty girl buys style.
And the simple girl buys, what she is told to buy.“
(Billy Bragg – 1983)
„The central concept of art is beauty.
Just like every good artist creates art driven by the childish longing to make the world a more beautiful place.
As beautiful as a beautiful song, a beautiful book, a beautiful film, a beautiful piece of architechture and so on.
Beauty is rare in real life.
And in mirrors.
And therefore any beautiful moment is so worthwhile.
And therefore any kind of good art transcends reality by giving us a glimpse of the better world.
Witnessing the few beautiful moments in life is like an inestimable gem.
This is why art is such a powerful drug.
And this is why trying to be an artist is the only respectable stance towards life.
And therefore any word spoken, any thing done, any sentence written, any kiss given that is not heartfelt artificial is condemned to be superficial and useless.
That, by the way, is why love is always political.
And it’s only true love, if it’s political.
If reality is so ugly, beauty is revolution.“
(admin – 2007)
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